Sunday, September 9, 2012

Rorschach - Never Thought Music Video

We have begun working on Rorschach's new music video, Never Thought. We have a no budget video, so it will be pretty simple, but it should be good and will be exciting since it will be their first. They have a lot of talent and should find a good following with this song.

UPDATE 10/23/12
The second day of filming is completed and after editing, we decided to have one more day of shooting. We're still about two weeks away, but we will get the video released soon!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Then & Now: An Intersection

     Then & Now: An Intersection is officially published and available in a few locations. The book, written by Jason Watanabe, is an exploration into the various aspects of life through art and poetry. The 200-page collection of poems centers around the various aspects of life including love, anniversaries, death, motivation, childhood and more, taking on both serious and playful. From connecting with your youthful past to helping prepare you for the uncertain future, the diversity of poems are awaiting for you to connect with your Then & Now. The book is available on Amazon and Barnes & Nobles as well as through a number of other retailers.